My final. (Have yourselves a sentimental little sonnet sequence.) It’s a self-explanatory poem in terms of themes, I think, but in order of references, it’s 1 – West, Woolf, Stein, 2 – H.D., Barnes, Hurston, 3 – Larsen, Sayers. Here’s
with apologies to Benstock
Friends, I ripped through that essay and also gave you little time to say anything about it. So this is just an open invitation: what interested you, what seemed helpful (or not) as a working theory? Brief comments and longer
Mr. Very Strong Man George
I thought that an hour and fifteen minute class would be better but CLEARLY time is still stupid and never enough. I wanted to touch on George’s character. In the passage that George decides he must chase Evadne because he
honey, you’re the wrong kind of aberration!
I have two different blog posts that I wanted to make but I went with this one because it’s a more developed thought: I wanted to go off of what we were discussing towards the end of today’s class and