My final. (Have yourselves a sentimental little sonnet sequence.) It’s a self-explanatory poem in terms of themes, I think, but in order of references, it’s 1 – West, Woolf, Stein, 2 – H.D., Barnes, Hurston, 3 – Larsen, Sayers. Here’s
Carleigh’s post on Barnes
Djuna Barnes’s Nightwood centers several characters in complicated, broken relationships with one another. A central figure in these relationships, Doctor Matthew O’Connor, a wise, nearly mad prophet character holds a hopeless view of a world filled with misery and doom.
I couldn’t fit this in the presentation but if I had to read it for research you do too
I desperately needed to show you all this. I beleive Katia mentioned that not all salon atendees were lesbain women, although a vast majority were. Many men did come to the salons (like Stein’s) for the art and literature. But