My final. (Have yourselves a sentimental little sonnet sequence.) It’s a self-explanatory poem in terms of themes, I think, but in order of references, it’s 1 – West, Woolf, Stein, 2 – H.D., Barnes, Hurston, 3 – Larsen, Sayers. Here’s
Katia’s post on Cather
The events of Willa Cather’s My Ántonia are told in hindsight through the lens of Jim Burden’s memories. Jim’s coming-of-age on the Nebraska prairie and his friendship with Ántonia Shimerda are conveyed through a set of memories introduced in a
Katia’s Post On West
Rebecca West’s The Return of the Soldier centers a displacement in time: the disappearance of Chris Baldry’s memories of the last fifteen years of his life, which results in a love triangle between himself, his wife Kitty, and the lower-class