Here’s my attempt at being a baker, vlogger, and literary scholar. I apologize for the blurry beginning, and hope you are able to interpret my creative attempts 🙂

While there were many figures I could have based my inspiration off of, To The Lighthouse was my favorite novel we read this semester and I love Mrs. Ramsay. Throughout this semester, we have read about so many different types of women, each offering a nugget of inspiration or truth to the reality of being a woman in this world. Though Mrs. Ramsay was one of the more traditional characters we read about, and her death made way for a new way of life to develop, her memory remained a blessing to her family and friends. She was a strong, matriarchal woman, who served her family and friends, but never allowed her husband to force her to do what she didn’t want to. So here’s to strong women!!! Thanks for checking out my project!!

Mrs. Ramsay inspired my gingerbread (Final)

One thought on “Mrs. Ramsay inspired my gingerbread (Final)

  • December 9, 2020 at 1:52 pm

    I’m pretty angry that none of us got to benefit by sharing this project, Emma. I have a lot of admiration and affection for Mrs. Ramsay. Not her matchmaking, but her desire and ability to bring balance and belonging to others, to make them feel seen, to use contemporary parlance. She’s a rock as solid as the island.

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