I thought it’d be fun to write a song based on how Chris described his time with Margaret in Chapter 3 of Return of the Soldier. I wrote the lyrics but just used a background instrumental I found because 1.
Beck’s Post on Larsen
Western standards of beauty are heavily based in “whiteness”; how light your skin is, round eyes, thin bodies, small noses, high cheekbones, and such. It ridicules anyone who is different than the standard and that they should try to conform
A question I didn’t get to
Something we mentioned a bit in class today was the doll and a question that I didn’t get to ask during the discussion was; what do you think the doll represents? Do you think it can represent a specific thing
Into the Nightwood
While we were talking about what the night represents in class, a correlation popped into my head that I felt like sharing. We said how the night represents anonymity and let the characters kind of let loose and when I
Beck’s Post on Stein
When I first began to read Tender Buttons, I kept trying to make sense of it all. Every poem I would read over in hopes to gain something from it, but I couldn’t seem to find anything and it was