I thought it’d be fun to write a song based on how Chris described his time with Margaret in Chapter 3 of Return of the Soldier. I wrote the lyrics but just used a background instrumental I found because 1. I don’t have any instruments with me and 2. I’ve never actually written the instrumental for a song and I’m honestly scared to. I hope you guys like it and I’ll put the lyrics below! I named the song A Girl In White because Jenny describes Margaret as this when she listens to Chris.
The way her gentle hands pick a walnut leaf
And crush it to breath in its sweet scent
Her white dress flowing in the breeze
Taking careful steps as she descends
I can see her standing
On the edge of Monkey Island
The way she squints her eyes as she tries
To find me on the other side
That white hawthorn tree right next me
And here she comes
My love all dressed up in white
I feel like I’ve waited all my life
For her
The memories are as clear as day
And now you say there years away
But I can see her
I coax her from the inn that last summers day
And we walk deeper in the island than we’ve ever gone before
Through the willows and the fig-wort we find our way
To a garden long forgotten by the shore
Then the pale moon appears and she takes my hand
And pulls me back to her reality
She rests her delicate cheek on the window to her room
And Questions how our love could be
But there she is
My love all dressed up in white
I can’t just ignore the sight
Of her
These forgotten memories can’t outweigh
My love for her I know I feel this day
I can’t pretend she’s nothing at all
Because she’s the only person that I can even recall
We descend further into the night
The sweet scent of walnut leaves in the air
We come across a temple the glows in the moonlight
I lift her above the altar and all I can do is stare
She’s the goddess of the temple
And I’d give her a golden apple if I could
I worship the way she looks as the moon shines on her hair
And I know that I am gone for good
Cause here she is
My love all dressed up in white
I feel like I’ve waited all my life
For her
The memories are as clear as day
So please Jenny don’t take them away
From me
Cause I can see her
I can see her
DANG DUDE!! You can sing!!! This is beautiful and totally captures the book and relationship between Chris and Margaret <3 excellent job!!
Beautiful! Beck, we should have made you sing your oral reports. I think you’ve evoked Chris’s romanticization of Margaret (goddess, moon, temple) really well, and the piece is haunting when I imagine the war that awaits him. But p.s. poor Jenny gets blamed for everything bad, that sadsack. Fantastic piece.