Disclaimer: poetry is not my strong suit but I felt it was the best way to display the few creative ideas I have left. I wrote a short poem on Rebecca West’s short story “Indissoluble Matrimony” because I had really enjoyed reading it way back in the beginning. Hope you enjoy!

Hate drenched sweat dripped down
As I sat on the steps watching
Her as she ran 
Fragments of glass quaking in her wake
Moon light showed that path she took
To see her lover no doubt
Yellow and sickly, I followed this light skinned witch
Whose power has held me too long 
All though I never truly gave in 
The street I ran
Always behind
Her dark cloak swayed in the wind as she walked
Away from me
To someone else?
Moonlight reflected on her face
The lake a gaping hole in which she dives
No man 
No man was holding her
Just warm summer water and soft yellow light that 
Hold her face in caressing hands
The moon looks at me 
Berating me for my evil mind
She tricked me once more
I follow the water’s edge 
She sees my pale face
Anger and confusion a swirl in the eyebrows
Innocent eyes laugh at me
Laughing at my stupidity 
My sterility
I thought I had beat her there
But plans lay bare too late
Feet in water
Hands on tan neck 
I push her into the depths
But she always pushes back
Enveloped in the murky lake
Water in lungs
Breath lost in bubbles
But Action takes turns 
And soon her hair becomes a halo
And the water submerges her 
Lustful eyes and red lips
Fighting for air
Fighting for life
Fighting me
But soon her body becomes a stone
Dropping into darkness
One sound
A few ripples
Then lost to the world
Freedom finally
Walking in the street once more
Pride filled chest
Peace for first time
I come to the door
Pane still shattered but tomorrow's problems
Tonight I shall sleep happy for first time
Open door to bedroom leaves pause
Body in bed leaves fear
Her death was not his freedom
Action never happened
I take off my clothes and climb into her arms
I weep at the ritual. 
Jessica’s Final: an attempt at poetry

One thought on “Jessica’s Final: an attempt at poetry

  • December 9, 2020 at 1:44 pm

    Your final statement about poetry is unforgivable, actually.
    Loved the Masterpiece Theater vibe and I was very curious what made you want to get into the head of that stupid bastard George. I always wonder when reading this how Evadne perceives what is happening, so now someone needs to take up that monologue.

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